The sunflowers have turned brown, the
zinnias are fading, but the poppies (
CA's state
flower) and those pink things are going strong.

We went to the beach on Sunday morning. Henry was thrilled. He had been asking to go all week. The first thing he did when we got there was run with his boogie board towards a breaking wave. I believe his intent was to jump on the board with his knees and ride out away from the beach. Something went wrong. He ended up digging a hole in the sand with his face. This was yesterday afternoon.

This is how it looks one day later. Poor guy. The swelling has gone down, but the scabbing has started. Ouch.
Poor guy. That doesn't look like much fun. How did he handle it?
He was pretty hurt at first (sand was everywhere), then very sad because it messed up his beach day. After about 20 minutes, he was up and playing again.
What a bummer. At least it didn't ruin his whole day.
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