Saturday, December 8, 2007


We just watched Elf for the first time (of many, I hope-I love this movie) this season. Buddy the elf does such an amazing job decorating the department store and then the apartment. I was even more inspired to keep festivizing our home. Paper snowflakes are very easy and cheap.
Mae and I spent almost 2 hours cutting, sparkling, and hanging them.
This was my very first time (can you believe it?) using a hot glue gun. They're pretty cool.

Here's the result in our dimly lit dining room.
Flash assisted. I think we could have done dozens more, they look so pretty.
If you are wondering; Lucy was playing computer games and Henry was sick in bed. So sick in fact, that he didn't go to school on Friday. That was our first sick day in about 18 months. It was perfectly timed. I got to stay home with just one kid, clean most of the house, do lots of laundry and watch Martha. And she did a really cool craft that I'll share in a future post.
::Next up: Christmas tree!

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About Us

Moms to Henry, Mae, Isabel, Josephine, Lucinda and Matilda