Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Agreeable Sisters together

As usual, I didn't pay enough attention while uploading the pictures. they are in no particular order. I have to add that over the four days, with 6 kids and 4 baseball games, I didn't take that many pictures. Mae and I playing 'baseball' at the beach (photo credit: Grandma Cindy).
The CO girls (and a SB boy) at the beach. We went to the beach a few times. Once it was nice and warm. The other times we were in pants and sweatshirts. Weird weather we've been having. (photo by Grandma Cindy)

Mae getting splashed by a wave at the harbor. (photo credit: Grandma Cindy)

John and the kids playing volleyball. We've got a pretty talented crew. I can see some exciting games in our combined futures. (photo again: Grandma Cindy, see what I mean? I didn't take enough pictures!)

The CO girls stayed in a hotel room and on two nights we swapped some kids. This night the bottom 3 stayed together at the hotel and the top 3 were at the house. I liked this night as the top 3 are pretty darn independent! (photo by who? you guessed it Grandma Cindy)
Josie celebrated her 6th birthday while they were here and she requested an oreo cake. Yee-ha! I love cake requests. This one is a super yummy and moist chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and chopped oreos between the layers. I liked it and I'm pretty sure everyone else did, too. (oh yes, photo by Grandma Cindy)

Mae and Isabel chatting at the end of the pier. ( I think I actually took this one)

Here we all are, eating. (I'm in this picture so of course I didn't take it. Thanks John!)

A picnic in the backyard.

The top four on an anchor at the harbor.
Yikes, only one of these pictures has all 6 kids together. We'll have to work on that next time we're all in the same place. Maybe we need to hire a photographer. Anyway, it was tons of fun and I can't wait until we do it again. We miss you CO girls!!!

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About Us

Moms to Henry, Mae, Isabel, Josephine, Lucinda and Matilda