These pictures are not in any particular order, but they are all of our excellent camping adventure at the Cochise Stronghold campground southeast of Tucson.
This a view from down at the bottom of the canyon, where the campsites were. It was really beautiful.
We climbed the rocks right above the campsite. It was fun boulder hopping, but tricky with a camera, water bottle (gotta stay hydrated, it is the desert after all) and five-year old.
King of the mountain. Henry was flying up the rocks like a mountain goat.
Here we all are, in order of speediness. I'm last.
Another view of the area.
Another king of the mountain.
Early morning. Staying warm by the fire. It got down into the 40's that night and was darn windy (gusts of 50mph-crazy inside the tents).
More crazy inside the tents.
Stoking the evening's dinner fire. Dehydrated (then rehydrated) turkey tetrazzini. Mmmmm. And of course, unlimited s'mores for dessert (we only had 2 each, plus a few extra marshmallows). Mmmmm for real.

We started this camp trip with a tour of the Rotunda and Throne Rooms at Kartchner Caverns State Park. It was amazing inside this enormous cave. Lots of interesting and huge formations, plus it was about 72 degrees and humid (better than the 60, dry and windy outside). All in all, a wonderful camping, hiking. and spelunking adventure.
1 comment:
Hey Jill I'm so glad you commented! I tried several times to get on your blog but I was putting in and it said that it didn't exist and I never got around to asking you what it was again! Your camping trip looks like it was AWESOME! I can't wait to get my kids a little bigger so those fun adventures aren't so hard! I HATE taking babies on trips! I get a little better with each baby so maybe I'll be a little more daring with my 3rd! Glad you guys had a good time!
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