Monday, August 31, 2009

Tilly is 3!!!

Today little Tilly turned 3 years old. I can't believe it. It seemed like just yesterday that I was sitting in the rocker trying to time my contractions to see if I should wake up Chance. Today she and I made her cake, per her request, chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting. She then decorated the top with candy sprinkles and mini-marshmallows that we colored orange, green and purple with food coloring. It turned out ok. The cake wasn't my favorite but we ate it none the less. Perhaps it will be better for breakfast. Thanks to everyone who called, sent cards and presents and thought about Tilly today.

There were about 15 pictures just like this one. She gets pretty excited about things...anyone remember her reaction to the Soda House this summer (every day).

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Moms to Henry, Mae, Isabel, Josephine, Lucinda and Matilda