Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hula-Hoop Hoe Down!

* The Hula-Hoop Hoe Down is a Kindergarten tradition at Louisville Elementary School. The kids make their own hula-hoop and then decorate it. They put some beads inside so it makes noise as it goes around and around.

*Then they take their hoops outside and go to about 7 different stations - timed hula-hooping, walking on a balance beam hula-hooping, using a GIANT hula-hoop. Here is Isabel going through a maze.

*They also played a game where all the hula-hoops were down on the ground and when the music stopped they had to get in a hula-hoop. Slowly the hoops got taken away. Towards the end they were pretty crammed in a few hoops. Pretty cute stuff!

*Finally a picture of the Hula-Hoop Champ! Although there was no official contest, she was amazing! I also thought a picture of the bangs would be a good idea. She was brushing her hair with a pretty small round brush and got it stuck. I had to cut the brush out of her hair. Lo and behold...she grew bangs as she would say. When Josie first saw the bangs she asked, "Did it hurt to get bangs?"

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Moms to Henry, Mae, Isabel, Josephine, Lucinda and Matilda