Monday, September 17, 2007


This kitten experience has been incredible (and probably easier than normal since it was not at our house). We have had so much fun going to ResQcats every week. I will really miss that place. I have, actually, we all have been touched by their amazing dedication and compassion towards animals (they rescue Collies and tortoises, too). Hopefully, when the kids get older, they will volunteer there, so we can go back. This is 'loudsy', she always made more noise than the others. We're not bringing her home.
The one on the left is 'cute-ster', we're not taking her home either. The girls have been adopted by someone, so they will be able to stay together. That makes us very happy.

This is Ernie. He will be coming home in two days. We can't wait!

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Moms to Henry, Mae, Isabel, Josephine, Lucinda and Matilda