Soccer Camp
Today was the first day of Soccer Camp at CU. Both Isabel and Josie are spending this week kicking it around on the field. Concepts and terms that are foriegn to me. Why can't you just use your hands? With a little trepidation this morning we set off for our first journey into team sports. Isabel was a little nervous at the beginning but Alli (former CU soccer coach who is awesome) asked her to be her "helper" and before she knew it, Isabel was out playing her little heart out. Josie didn't have quite as hard a time getting familiar with her team, her coach or anything else for that matter. Although when I came to pick them up that afternoon and Josie was in the goal (ok, she was swinging from the top of the goal - a mini goal by the way) I distinctly heard her coach say, "Pay attention Josie" as the whole group came barreling at her. What a site, after that she spent about 5 minutes helping a boy on her team put his "penny" on. Too funny.
After a hard day of camp
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