Monday, November 17, 2008


This past weekend we had some amazing weather.
On Sunday we started inside building forts (and knocking them down). Before lunch Josie, Tilly and myself went for a walk. We decided to make nature bracelets. You take a piece of fat tape and wrap it around your wrist so the sticky side is out. As you walk along you pick up pretty leaves, seeds, pine needles, flower petals, anything that catches your eye. It was a lot of fun. They really got in to finding things to make their bracelets beautiful. I know someone is thinking, why didn't Isabel go with you, she and Chance were out shopping and looking at wall color for her new room. During the Christmas break Tilly is going to move in with Josie and Isabel will have her own room. She is so excited for this. She has all sorts of ideas of what she wants her room to look like. The two colors she picked out this weekend are green (Friendly Frog) and yellow (Bee A Friend). We'll have to keep you posted on that project.

Josie enjoying the sunshine
Jil & Tilly's bracelets

The last of the garden

1 comment:

Wendy & Jil - The Original Agreeable Sisters said...

Love the bracelet photo.
Isa's room is going to look like a mellow Henry's room. Cool!
Happy Birthday!

About Us

Moms to Henry, Mae, Isabel, Josephine, Lucinda and Matilda