Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Big Pink Five!!!

Wow! Can you believe that Lucy is 5 today? I can and I can't. I spend every day with her, so I know how grown up she is, but she's also my littlest one. And 5 is not a little number.We started off the day with pink pancakes (using this icing color). With whip cream.
Then she helped me make the cake (the strawberry cake from this book) and lick the beater.

Check out those decorations. Lucy picked them out herself. Surprised with the color choice? Nope.

Then we made strawberry smoothies. With whip cream.

Present time.

Squeals of delight before, during and after each present.
Super cute homemade spoon-puppets from Grandma Nancy. Everyone liked 'em.

And finally, cake time.

Ta-da! "I'm five year olds."
I know I promised pictures of Mae in her baseball uniform and I apologize for not posting them yet. All the pictures I took from her game last Friday were terrible. She has another one tomorrow so I'm hoping I can get at least one good shot.

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Moms to Henry, Mae, Isabel, Josephine, Lucinda and Matilda