Here it is. 2400 lbs of drywall. Luckily, we are having a real drywall crew come in and do this for us this time. They unloaded it and carried this pile upstairs (there is another equally large pile in the garage below). We did all the drywall in the house before we moved in, and it was really a terrible job. Heavy, dusty, muddy, slow, precise, I could go on and on.

Here is our Sugar-mama (green due to the corrugated plastic ceiling over her enclosure). She looks mildly irritated that I am taking her picture, but she was happy to see us today and we her. Hopefully, her kittens will come in the next few days. We got our fill of kittens anyway. There are about 4 litters waiting to be adopted.

The kids loved visiting with all the playful, soft, cuddly, sharp-clawed kittens. We stayed for nearly an hour. They will both go back and volunteer at
resqcats in the future, probably as soon as we get back from the lake.

It is amazing that we leave empty handed each time. Believe me, it is not easy. These guys are so adorable.
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